Do you ever forget to take care of yourself? Sometimes every day to-do lists and a tendency to put others before ourselves can leave us feeling exhausted and emotionally spent. As life becomes more packed and overwhelming, the things that make us happy can be marked “less important” and fall through the cracks. However, the more stressed life becomes the more important those acts of self-care are. Self-care is not only critical for your happiness, but also your physical, mental, and emotional health.
Here are some options to get you started:
Here are some options to get you started:
- Go for a run or light jog. Exercise can be a huge booster, helping you feel accomplished and re-centered.
- Start a journal. Sometimes it just helps to get it all out there. Writing down your worries can conceptualize a problem and maybe even trigger ideas for a solution.
- Make one small change in your diet for a week. It doesn’t have to be monumental. Try drinking an extra glass of water or adding some green to your diet.
- Create a deliberate habit. Starting a routine, like walking the dog at the same time every day, can help give us the feeling of control we need to take on everything else.
- Take a quick nap. Studies show that a 10 to 20 minute nap is a great way to get that jolt of alertness and/or decrease fatigue.
- Watch a new show. Even though watching tv isn’t as effective as other forms of stress relief, it is very common and can be helpful. Check out Planet Earth 2 on Netflix!
- Try a coloring book. Using an adult coloring book while listening to your favorite music is a great way to ease a mind that’s overwhelmed.
- Reward yourself for completing small tasks. Having a million things to work on can be exhausting for anyone. Pat yourself on the back when you do the dishes or complete an act of self-care.
- Ask for help. You don’t have to do it all alone. Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to reach out.
- Do something that makes you happy once a week. Whether it’s painting, yoga, or splurging a little at your favorite shop, find something you enjoy doing and set aside some time each week